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Your assessment results suggest that you would get a lot out of the Protect Yourself from Toxic People path. Click the button to get started or scroll down to learn more about the path, or a little further down for more suggestions.

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Start the Protect Yourself from Toxic People Path

What you will learn on the Protect Yourself from Toxic People path:

This path is intended to equip you with a strong sense of how to set and uphold healthy boundaries. You'll learn skills that will help you develop new behaviors and the confidence to examine core aspects of your needs and how those relate to your relationships.

If you are prone to getting hurt over and over again, or you find yourself in the role of the people pleaser, or people just keep walking all over you, this is the path for you.

Paths are self-paced, meaning you can complete them on your own timeline, at whatever speed feels right to you. Our suggestion is to plan on spending about 6 months working through this material.

Courses include:

The 10 Laws of Boundaries, How to Say No, Safe and Unsafe People pt. 1 & 2, How to Handle a Narcissist, Facing Controlling Relationships, Entitlement, Emotional Abuse, Codependency pt. 1 & 2, How to Avoid Drama, Hope, Necessary Endings, Revenge, and finally, Forgiveness

Or try one of these individual courses:

Boundaries in Relationships

Relationships provide the essence of thriving, both for ourselves personally and professionally. But, not just any kind of relationship will do. The relationships that provide fulfillment to us have certain components to them.

Standing Up to Your Spouse

The issues are different for many couples, but the perplexity is often the same. One spouse feels something is missing, but he/she can’t figure out what it is. He/She tries to do the right things. He/she gives, sacrifices, honors the commitment, and believes the best. And yet he/she doesn’t achieve intimacy, or worse than that, she doesn’t avoid pain. In some cases, the confusion hides itself behind the simplistic explanations that problems such as addiction, irresponsibility, control, or abuse provide. In other cases, there may be no “problems,” but the marriage does not live up to the promise that one or both of the partners had in the beginning. Commitment may be strong, but love, intimacy, and deep sharing are not present. Why does this happen with two people who are so committed to the relationship?


Codependent relationships are more common than many people realize. Too many of us believe that we simply have to rescue others, or protect them from their own consequences, or that they could never even get by without us. This course will help you shift the character of your relationships from these harmful patterns of behavior, and to exchange them for healthier practices that will help you thrive.

Facing Controlling Relationships

At some point in our lives, we’ve allowed someone to cross our boundaries and have too much power. And it’s not as if we just woke up one day and suddenly allowed it to happen, but when we come to a point of feeling stuck in a controlling relationship, we often question how we got there and what we can do to get out. In this course, Dr. Henry Cloud goes into detail on how we get caught in controlling relationships, addresses why and how we’ve tolerated them longer than we should, and how to use boundaries to preserve love and freedom.

Feel Like Going in a Different Direction?

Using Mindfulness to Ease Anxiety

Who has ever added another day to their life by worrying? I can’t think of anyone, and chances are, you probably don’t know anyone either. Mindfulness is awareness. It’s acceptance versus rejection of what’s going on inside of you without judgment, just allowing whatever you’re feeling to exist without grabbing it, joining it or feeling obligated to solve whatever problem that feeling is bringing you. Mindfulness separates your mind above what your brain is feeling so you don’t become a victim to it. In this lesson, we’ll look at practices to help you use mindfulness to ease anxiety and feelings of panic.

Marriage Maintenance

Marriage is only as good as the investment people make in it, and just like other elements of our life, this bond between two people was constructed so that we are either going forward into the growth process or backing away from it. We can’t stay the same, and marriage reflects that reality. The connection either deepens, opening both spouses up to the hearts of each other, or it starts to deteriorate, closing them off from each other.