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Just Do This One Thing Today

Nov 03, 2020

As Boundaries.Me members know all too well, I like to focus on One Thing. Every day I give our members One Thing to focus on in a personal video from me, and it's one small step that you can take in the right direction, every weekday. Add them all up and you're really going to get somewhere good.

Today, I want to give ALL of you one thing to do:

Be kind.

Give back better than you were given.

The returns of kindness will pay you back with a greater capacity for love, for enjoyment of all things, for a life that is never too small, a life in which you will never feel lost because you will have your people. Your group. Your family, whether by origin or by choice.

So, today when you find yourself in a situation where you have the option: be kind. When you are sitting in front of your computer, typing into the comment box on social media: be kind. When you are talking on the phone with someone that you disagree with: be kind. When you are talking with a person who has let you down for whatever reason: be kind.

No matter what.

Kindness isn't weakness. It takes strength to be kind. Kindness doesn't mean giving in, It means giving better.

I want to build you up. I want you to have a big huge life full of all the rewards that healthy relationships and character strength will give you.

I will coach you to be your best self when you join Boundaries.Me.



If you're a member of Boundaries.Me, log in here to access today's One Thing video. 


Get Dr. Cloud's free guide on how to deal with the toxic people in your life. 

Dr. Cloud can help you live the life you were meant to live!