The Created Order of Your Life
Jul 24, 2024
Have you ever felt like life is a complex puzzle, and you're missing some crucial pieces? Perhaps you've wondered why, despite your best efforts, certain aspects of your life seem out of sync or unfulfilling. The truth is, just as there are laws of physics that govern the natural world, there are spiritual principles that govern our lives. I call this the "created order" – the way God designed life to work.
Understanding and aligning ourselves with this created order can clear up much of the fogginess we experience in life. It's like building an airplane: if you want it to fly, you need to understand and work with the laws of physics. Similarly, if we want our lives to "soar," we need to understand and work with God's created order.
Let's explore six key principles of this created order that can transform the way we approach life:
1. God is the Source of Everything
In the story of the Garden of Eden, we see that God is the ultimate source of life. He breathed life into mankind and provided everything needed for sustenance and growth. This principle reminds us that we are dependent beings. We can't create life or wisdom out of thin air – we must draw it from outside ourselves.
Many self-help philosophies today suggest that "the answer is within." While self-reflection is valuable, true growth and fulfillment come from recognizing our need for God and others. We're designed to receive love, wisdom, and support from external sources, primarily God Himself.
2. Relationship is Primary
Everything in life depends on relationships. We grow through relationships, find meaning in relationships, and accomplish our best work in community with others. Even in recovery programs, the first step often involves acknowledging a higher power – recognizing the need for a relationship with God.
This principle challenges us to prioritize our relationships – with God and with others. It's through these connections that we find the strength, support, and meaning necessary for a fulfilling life.
3. God Provides Resources; We Use Them
God has given us an abundance of resources – talents, skills, opportunities, and more. Our role is to steward these resources wisely and fruitfully. This principle strikes a balance between dependence on God and personal responsibility.
It's not about passively waiting for God to do everything for us. Rather, it's about recognizing the gifts He's given us and actively using them to make a positive impact in the world.
4. God Makes the Rules; We Obey Them
Just as the laws of physics govern the natural world, God's principles govern the spiritual and relational aspects of life. Our job is to learn these principles and align our lives with them.
Think about it: most problems in life can be traced back to someone violating God's principles. When we choose to follow His ways – treating others as we want to be treated, speaking truth, showing love – our relationships and lives work better.
5. God is the Judge; We Live the Experience
This principle might be the most challenging to grasp, but it's incredibly freeing when we do. God alone is the ultimate judge of life. Our role is not to constantly judge ourselves or others, but to fully engage in the experience of living.
Have you ever noticed how self-judgment can paralyze you? Whether you're taking a test, giving a presentation, or trying to connect with someone, the moment you start evaluating your performance is often the moment you lose your flow. By stepping out of the judge's seat and into the experience of life, we open ourselves to greater joy, authenticity, and connection.
6. God is in Control; We Practice Self-Control
The final principle reminds us that while God is ultimately in control of the universe, our responsibility is to exercise self-control. Many of us waste energy trying to control things beyond our influence – other people's actions, circumstances, outcomes. This often leads to frustration and broken relationships.
True freedom comes when we surrender control to God and focus on the one thing we can control – ourselves. This is the essence of the Serenity Prayer: accepting what we cannot change, changing what we can (ourselves), and seeking wisdom to know the difference.
Understanding and aligning with these principles of the created order can revolutionize our approach to life. It shifts our focus from trying to be the source, judge, and controller of life to embracing our role as dependent, relational beings who are called to steward our resources, obey God's principles, fully engage in life's experiences, and practice self-control.
This alignment doesn't happen overnight. It's a journey of growth and surrender. But as we gradually align ourselves with God's created order, we often find that the "fogginess" in our lives begins to clear. Relationships improve, purpose becomes clearer, and we experience a deeper sense of peace and fulfillment.
So, how can you start aligning your life with the created order today? Here's a practical exercise to get you started:
1. Take a few moments to reflect on each of the six principles we've discussed.
2. For each principle, ask yourself: "In what area of my life am I struggling to align with this principle?"
3. Choose one principle that resonates most strongly with you right now.
4. Identify one small, concrete step you can take this week to better align with that principle. For example:
- If you're struggling with the "God is the source" principle, you might commit to starting each day with a prayer of dependence on God.
- If "relationship is primary" strikes a chord, you could reach out to a friend you've been meaning to connect with.
- If "God provides resources; we use them" speaks to you, consider identifying one underutilized talent or resource in your life and brainstorm ways to put it to use.
5. At the end of the week, reflect on how this small step affected your perspective or experiences.
Remember, aligning with the created order is not about perfection – it's about progress. As you take small steps to align your life with God's design, you may find yourself experiencing more clarity, peace, and fulfillment than you ever thought possible.
What principle of the created order do you most need to align with today? And what's one small step you can take to move in that direction? Your journey towards a life in harmony with God's design starts now.