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The Key to Thriving in Life is Connection

Jan 20, 2023

Connectedness is the foundation of human thriving. When we are connected in our relationships, we feel fueled and energized. Disconnectedness does the opposite. When we are not connected to others, when we are not getting outside intelligence, accountability, respect, acknowledgment, intimacy, and all of the other great and valuable things that we get from relationships, we are simply unable to live life as it was intended to be lived. We all know this, and we all feel it when it’s there and when it is not, but it's not enough to simply be aware of this truth, we must actively work towards building and fulfilling our connections.

One way to start building connections is by asking ourselves a simple question each morning: what is my need for connection today? By being mindful of our emotional state, we can identify what kind of connection we need to feel fulfilled. For example, if we are feeling scared or anxious, we may need to connect with someone who can help us feel grounded and safe. If we are feeling confused or out of the loop, we may need to connect with someone who can bring clarity and wisdom. Similarly, if we are feeling lonely, we may need a companion, and if we feel that we are lacking courage, we may need someone to help push us to the next step.

Whatever the need may be, connection is the key to fulfilling it.

The next step is to reach out to the person or people who can provide that connection. This can be done through texting, calling, or any other means of communication that feels comfortable. By identifying our need for connection and reaching out to the right people, we can get the fuel we need to thrive.

Connection is not only important for our emotional well-being but also for our physical and mental health. Studies have shown that people who have strong social connections are less likely to suffer from depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. They also tend to live longer and have better physical health outcomes.

Connection is also vital for our personal growth and development. When we are surrounded by people who support and encourage us, we are more likely to reach our goals and achieve our dreams. In contrast, when we are disconnected, we can feel stuck and unable to move forward.

In today's fast-paced and technology-driven world, it's easy to lose touch with our connections. We are constantly bombarded with distractions, and it's easy to become isolated. However, it's important to remember that connection is the key to our well-being, and we must make an effort to build and maintain our relationships.

One practical way to do this is by setting aside time each day to connect with others. This can be done through a phone call, a video chat, or even a simple text message. We can also make an effort to connect with others in person, by going out for coffee, taking a walk, or doing any other activity that we enjoy together.

Another way to build connections is by joining groups or clubs that align with our interests. This can be a great way to meet new people and build connections with those who share our passions.

Finally, we can also build connections by being more open and vulnerable with others. When we share our thoughts and feelings with others, we create deeper and more meaningful connections. It's important to remember that connection is a two-way street, and we must be willing to be vulnerable and open ourselves to others if we want to build strong connections.

Five ways that you can connect with others:

Reach out to a friend or family member: One of the easiest ways to connect with others is by reaching out to a friend or family member. They are likely to be understanding and supportive of your needs and can provide the connection you need.

Join a social group or club: Joining a social group or club that aligns with your interests is a great way to connect with like-minded individuals. This can be a great way to meet new people and build connections with those who share your passions.

Volunteer: Volunteering is a great way to connect with others and give back to your community. It also allows you to meet people who share similar values and interests as you.

Attend events or gatherings: Attending events or gatherings, such as parties, meetups, or religious services can provide an opportunity to connect with others in a social setting.

Connect online: With the rise of social media and other online platforms, it's easier than ever to connect with others online. You can join online communities, forums or groups that align with your interests, and connect with like-minded individuals from around the world.

Reasons to connect with others:

Emotional support: Connecting with others provides emotional support, which is essential for our overall well-being. Having someone to talk to and share our thoughts and feelings with can help us process our emotions and find solutions to problems.

Sense of belonging: Connecting with others helps us feel a sense of belonging, which is essential for our emotional and mental well-being. Being part of a community or group can help us feel less alone and more connected to the world around us.

Learning and growth: Connecting with others allows us to learn from their experiences and perspectives, which can help us grow and develop. We can gain new insights, knowledge, and skills through our interactions with others.

Shared experiences: Connecting with others allows us to share experiences, which can help us feel more fulfilled and satisfied. Having someone to share our joys and sorrows with can make life more meaningful.

Positive impact on mental and physical health: Connecting with others has a positive impact on our mental and physical health. Studies have shown that people who have strong social connections have lower rates of depression, anxiety, and stress and have a stronger immune system.

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