Opening Our Hearts to Healing: When Faith Meets Therapy biblical wisdom christian living community support counseling emotional healing faith mental health personal growth relationships self-help spiritual development therapy Sep 06, 2024

Have you ever encountered someone who dismisses the idea of therapy, insisting that prayer alone will solve their problems? Perhaps you've even found yourself in this mindset. It's a common stance, especially among people of faith, but it often stems from a misunderstanding of both faith and...

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Building Immunity Against Dysfunction for Healthier Relationships boundaries community support dysfunctional patterns emotional health healing mental health personal growth relationships resilience self-improvement Sep 04, 2024

We often talk about fighting dysfunction one dynamic at a time, but what does that really mean in our day-to-day lives? Think of it as developing a kind of emotional and relational immunity. Just as our bodies build resistance to physical diseases, we can strengthen our ability to resist...

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