Life is filled with relationships, and where there are relationships, there are bound to be hurts. We've all experienced moments when someone we care about has let us down, betrayed our trust, or caused us pain. In these times, we often hear well-meaning advice to "forgive and forget" or "just move ...

Join Dr. Cloud for this upcoming workshopĀ
Confrontations are difficult for most people, but they don't have to be for you.
Get ready for Dr. Cloud's next workshop!Ā November 19thĀ at 4 PM Pacific Timeā€“or stream it later!
Life works better when we confront well.
No more being taken advantage of.
No more being misunderstood.
How you confront others can determine everything about the outcome you get.
Learn the boundaries, skills, ways of thinking, and habits you must adopt in order toĀ confront others well.
In this 2+ hour workshop, Dr. Cloud will help you understand what works, what doesnā€™t, and how to apply it to your life.
To learn more, click the link below.
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