The Marriage Equation
May 19 | 5 p.m. PST
A crisis never leaves a couple unmarked. It affects both spouses and strikes at the heart of their relationship: its love and trust. The intensity of a crisis can make a spouse feel they don’t know their mate anymore, the love is gone or perhaps was never there, or they can never again trust their spouse. The crisis has created a deep sense of alienation, making it extremely difficult to resolve the issue together.
In this two-hour webinar. Dr. Henry Cloud will show you how to address the deeper issues of a marriage crisis, explain the internal and external problems that play a role, and show couples how each person can take responsibility for contributing to an amicable resolution.
Can't attend live? You can still sign up and watch at a time that's convenient for you.
The Marriage Equation
May 19 | 5 p.m. PST
A crisis never leaves a couple unmarked. It affects both spouses and strikes at the heart of their relationship: its love and trust. The intensity of a crisis can make a spouse feel they don’t know their mate anymore, the love is gone or perhaps was never there, or they can never again trust their spouse. The crisis has created a deep sense of alienation, making it extremely difficult to resolve the issue together.
In this two-hour webinar. Dr. Henry Cloud will show you how to address the deeper issues of a crisis, explain the internal and external problems that play a role in a crisis, and show couples how each person can take responsibility for contributing to an amicable resolution.
Can't attend live? You can still sign up and watch at a time that's convenient for you.
Can't attend live? You can still sign up and watch at a time that's convenient for you.
This webinar is for you if …
You’ve experienced an unresolved betrayal.
Financial issues result in intense arguments.
There’s a severe loss of intimacy.
Gross irresponsibility is present with one or both partners.
Your parents or in-laws have been given too much power or authority.
Control issues keep the marriage “stuck.”
Infidelity has been discovered.
Issues with addiction and/or codependency dominate your marriage.
- There's a struggle with abandonment issues.
This is for you if …
You’ve experienced an unresolved betrayal.
Financial issues result in intense arguments.
There’s a severe loss of intimacy.
Gross irresponsibility is present with one or both partners.
Your parents or in-laws have been given too much power or authority.
Control issues keep the marriage “stuck.”
Infidelity has been discovered.
Issues with addiction and/or codependency dominate your marriage.
- There's a struggle with abandonment issues.
Who is Dr. Henry Cloud?
Dr. Cloud is a Clinical Psychologist and New York Times best-selling author. His 45 books, including the iconic Boundaries, Boundaries in Marriage, and Rescue Your Love Life, have sold over 20 million copies worldwide. Throughout his storied career as a clinician, he created breakthrough new models rooted in research, and has been a leading voice on issues of mental health on a global scale.
Take The Next Step Here
You don’t have to wait for your marriage to unravel before getting help. Dr. Cloud will show you how to strengthen your marriage by recognizing and addressing the patterns that can turn into serous problems.
Participants will receive:
- A content outline to follow along with Dr. Cloud
- The opportunity to engage in a group chat with Dr. Cloud, his team and others attending the event. (optional)
- Unlimited access to watch the webinar after it airs live